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Your Focus Ireland Piggy Bank

In the run-up to Christmas, we want you to help us SOUPport Focus Ireland by raising money with your Cully and Sully SOUPer Focus Ireland Piggy Bank. 

Cully and Sully will match the total donations raised up to €10,000.

Making your Piggy Bank: 

Buy one of our Focus Ireland soup tubs in any good supermarket in ROI.

After enjoying the soup, Clean out the soup tub and lid. Carefully cut around the incision marks on the lid to make a slot for collections.

Start filling your piggy bank with change. Get your family, friends or colleagues involved at home or in the workplace. If you fill your tub, why not start a new one and see how many you can fill. 

Lodging the Money:

You can lodge the money digitally using our GoFundMe page.

NOTE: Please ensure you lodge your money before the 1st of December 2020 so it can be included in the total figures we announce before Christmas. 

Step One

When your piggy bank is full or as full as you can offer ( every cent is a help), count the money raised and lodge the money into your bank account. 

Step Two

Go to our gofundme page and follow the simple steps to upload the money. 

Step Three

Gofundme will send you an email to show the money has been loaded to the donations of the nation. 

Or Lodge the Money Directly

If you prefer to use a bank giro to lodge the money please use the following steps.

NOTE: Please ensure you lodge your money before the 1st of December 2020 so it can be included in the total figures we announce before Christmas. 

Step One

Step Two

Register your details on their website.

Step Three

Focus Ireland will send you a Bank Giro you can use to lodge the donations at any Bank of Ireland branch.

Keep an eye on our gofundme page and our social media in December to see if we have hit the €10,000 target 

More Information

Homelessness has been affecting more people each year in Ireland. In January 2020 over 10,000 people were in emergency or temporary supported accommodation of which 3,574 were children.  (It’d be lovely to have some graphs from Focus Ireland on this).

Since the Covid-19 outbreak, Focus Ireland has seen a 40% increase in the demand for its services, which is likely to increase further as the economic impact of the virus is felt by society. With possible restrictions on shaking charity buckets this Christmas, Focus Ireland appreciate your support now more than ever. Every donation makes a difference

€250 could help Focus Ireland to provide specialised support to children traumatised by their experience of homelessness

€100 will help Focus Ireland provide practical short-term supplies for a family experiencing homelessness. 

€50 can help Focus Ireland provide school supplies, books, and uniforms.

€25 could help Focus Ireland provide warm, nutritious meals for families living in emergency accommodation.


Send us updates on how you are getting on social media by using the hashtag #SOUPerFocusIrelandPiggyBank

Watch our social media page for updates on the money raised so far 

We hope to announce the total money raised in Mid December 2020.