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Vantastival Camper Van Cook off 2014
Vantastival Camper Van Cook off 2014
By Cully
on 07 May 2014 7:05 PM

What a laugh! It all started early when Mike (looking beautifully bright in the photo!) sought me out to try and rig the results, bad-mouthing his long-standing rivals Louise and Teresa, who unfortunately were in a substandard camper van as theirs was still in the garage, surprise surprise!! (we ARE talking about VW Kombi's!)

All was in vain though as they were first finished and then made the fatal mistake of getting us so drunk that by the end we were handing out points like billy-ow! Big congrats to this year's winners, Deirdre and Anita (who need to be very thankful to Mike!!), winners of one of Fingal Ferguson's beautiful hand made knives. Check out for lots more photos... Hope to see you next year.)